The Big Bang:A Muslim Perspective :The Big Bang:A Muslim Perspective Part 3: The Big Bang & The Holy Quran
Human Curiosity! :Human Curiosity! What existed then at the beginning of the universe? How did it begin, and why? Why did it take the form it did? Who are we? Where did we come from, and why for? Where are we going?
Shall we put it this way? :S. Hawking: This picture of a universe that started off very hot and cooled as it expanded is in agreement with all observational evidence that we have today. We are therefore thoroughly confident that we have the right picture, at least back to one second after the big bang. Shall we put it this way?
The Perfection of Creation? :The universe started out with so nearly the critical rate of expansion to just avoid re-collapse. If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size. On the other hand, if the expansion rate at one second had been larger by the same amount, the universe would have expanded so much that it would be effectively empty now. Roger Penrose showed that the probability of a universe like the one in which we exist, out of the array in ‘phase space’ of possible universes, is 1 in 10 to the power 123, a number too big to be written down in full even if every proton in the entire universe were used to write a digit on. The Perfection of Creation?
The Perfection of Creation? :The balance and precise strength of the fundamental gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces needs to be exactly what it is if conscious life is to exist. So Peter Atkins says: If nuclei were bound together slightly more weakly, or slightly more strongly, the universe would lack chemistry. If the electric force were slightly stronger than it is, evolution would not reach organisms before the sun went out. And if it were only slightly less, stars would not have planets, and life would be unknown. Peter Atkins, Creation Revisited, p. 23. The Perfection of Creation?
The Inevitable Conclusion :Hawking: This means that the initial state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen indeed if the big bang model was correct right back to the beginning of time. It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us. The Inevitable Conclusion
Guidance is from Allah (S) :However, this conclusion was not sufficient for Stephen Hawking to acknowledge that act of God even though it is full agreement with all observational evidence available today. This is because, I suppose, he did not investigate the evidence that God provided when He claimed the creation of the universe. This evidence can be seen in His description to what He created. Here is some of this evidence: Guidance is from Allah (S)
The Evidence of God: agreement between the book of creation & the book of revelation :The Evidence of God: agreement between the book of creation & the book of revelation Allah (S) said: Soon We will show them Our Signs on the horizons (of nature), and in their own (creation), until it becomes manifest to them that it (Quran) is the Truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is witnessed (via His signs) on all things?” [41:53]
Failure of Predictability at the Big Bang Singularity :At the big bang singularity, the density of the universe and the curvature of space time would have been infinite. Therefore, the general relativity and all other physical laws including the laws of vision and perception, which are based on the assumption that space-time is smooth and nearly flat, would break down. One cannot predict what would come out of the singularity, which is the moment of creation. Allah (S) regarding this failure of predictability and lack of any scientific vision or description of that moment said: Failure of Predictability at the Big Bang Singularity
Failure of predictability at the big bang singularity :Failure of predictability at the big bang singularity “I did not make them witness to the creation of the skies and the earth or to the creation of themselves, and I would not have the misguiders as assistants.”18\51.
The Initial Distance Between Cosmic Bodies was Zero :The Initial Distance Between Cosmic Bodies was Zero At the beginning, the distance between the neighbouring galaxies was zero, therefore, the universe was one entity, and as it expanded, all cosmic structures started to take shape. This is mentioned in detail, without any metaphoric indications, by Allah (S): “Have those who disbelieved not considered that the skies and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?”21\30.
The Expanding Universe :The Expanding Universe The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century, said Stephen Hawking. However, this great intellectual revolution of the last century was mentioned in the Holy Quran fourteen centuries ago. Allah (S) said: “And the sky We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are expanding it.” 51/47.
Creation of Cosmic Bodies from Clouds of Gas & Debris :Creation of Cosmic Bodies from Clouds of Gas & Debris The cosmic bodies: galaxies, stars and planets including earth were formed of cosmic clouds of gas and debris. Allah (S) mentioned that in the verse: “Then He directed His power and will to the sky while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth “come (into being) willingly or by compulsion”. They said: we have come willingly.” 41/11.
The Big Crunch :It is a fact that the universe is expanding since the moment of its creation. One of Friedmann’s models of the expanding universe is that the universe is expanding so sufficiently slowly that the gravitational attraction between different galaxies would cause the expansion to slow down and eventually to stop. The galaxies then would start to move toward each other and the universe contracts. The distance between two neighbouring galaxies starts at zero, increases to a maximum, and then decreases back to zero again. The Big Crunch
The fate of the Universe :The fate of the Universe However, the fact about the end of the universe is mentioned in the Holy Quran, Allah (S) said: “The Day when We will fold the sky like the folding of a [written] sheet for records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a promise binding upon us. Indeed, We will do it.” 21/104.
Why The Universe began? The Purpose of Life :Why The Universe began? The Purpose of Life “And I did not create the Jinn and humankind except to worship Me. I don’t want from them any provision, nor do I want them to feed Me. Indeed, it is Allah Who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength” [51:56-8]
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