Friday, June 5, 2009

The Message & The Messenger

The Message & The Messenger :The Message & The Messenger Based on: The all-Embracing Message of Islam By Sh. El-Nayyal Abd-Alqadir Abu-Quroon

Mercy & Justice :According to the Qudsi Hadith (sacred saying of God Almighty), God Almighty’s mercy preceded His anger: “Indeed, My mercy preceded My anger” Bukhari. This may raise a question: Were Messengers sent from God Almighty to deliver mercy to people or to set a scale of accountability to hunt down their mistakes for vengeance? Mercy & Justice

Mercy in Justice :There can be no doubt that what the Messengers have delivered from God Almighty is the mercy for humankind. However, setting a scale of accountability for people’s deeds is to remind and show them where these deeds place them in relation to the bountiful mercy that their Creator intended and delivered to them. Knowing this, they will abandon their errors. Hence, God Almighty will overlook their misdeeds and will not hold them for the sins they have earned: “Your Lord is the Most Forgiving, the Lord of Mercy, if He were to hold them for what they have earned (of sins), He would have hastened upon them the sufferance” [18:58]. Mercy in Justice

Terror for Mercy?! :The Message of Islam is mercy from God Almighty if we agree that what had been delivered from Him through His Messengers is mercy for all people. However, some Muslim preachers chose the second part of the opening question as the main theme of their way of preaching Islam (da’wah). So, they used the scale of accountability to frighten, terrorize, and threaten people. They even drove them to a state of despair and hopelessness from the mercy of God Almighty; and those who does not respond to their terrifying admonitions will be persecuted by the use of arms to the extent of execution! Terror for Mercy?!

Terror for Mercy?! :Therefore, they distanced people from God Almighty’s mercy, while He said in the Qudsi Hadith: “My mercy preceded My anger.” Bukhari, as he said in the holy Quran: “My mercy encompassed everything” [7:156]. Isn’t it more befitting for those preachers to present to the people this mercy which encompassed everything including anger, if anger can be considered a thing? Terror for Mercy?!

Messenger of Mercy with a Message of Mercy :The high moral qualities of Prophet Muhammad, may the Prayers and Blessings of God Almighty be upon Him and His family (PBHH), are the embodiment of The Holy Quran, and he is God Almighty’s mercy in essence: “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but as mercy for all the worlds.” [21:107]. In fact, Prophet Muhammad (PBHH) is inseparable from the Message he delivered, as God Almighty said “… Surely, We have been sending Mercy from your Lord; it is He who is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” [44:5-6]. Messenger of Mercy with a Message of Mercy

Messenger of Mercy with a Message of Mercy :Prophet Muhammad (PBHH) is surely a Messenger for all people, as God Almighty said: “We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but as a universal Messenger to all people” [34:28]. The Prophet (PBHH) also said about himself: “Indeed, I am a bestowed mercy (upon creation)” Mustadrak, thus confirming that he is the standard reference and that he is God Almighty’s mercy sent to all. Messenger of Mercy with a Message of Mercy

The Message is inseparable from the Messenger :Many people, however, committed the crime of separating the Message from the Messenger (PBHH), claiming the ability of interpreting the Message themselves, without the need to refer to the one who delivered it. Furthermore, they gave themselves the right to hold the Prophet accountable to their faulty scale of judgement in an attempt to find fault with his conveyance of the Message, as if God Almighty has not chosen for His Message the most befitting of all His creation in terms of knowledge, integrity of morals, and beauty of form! Little did they know that, consequent to this separation, they have grievously erred and strayed, through their misinterpretations and misconceptions, from comprehending the mercy that God Almighty has bestowed upon people! The Message is inseparable from the Messenger

The Message is inseparable from the Messenger :Little did they know that, consequent to this separation, they have grievously erred and strayed, through their misinterpretations and misconceptions, from comprehending the mercy that God Almighty has bestowed upon people! The Message is inseparable from the Messenger

Mercy in Morality :Prophet Muhammad (PBHH) also said “Verily, I have been sent to perfect high moral qualities” Ahmad. These are the moral qualities for which God Almighty had praised him and sent him to teach to all people: “ And indeed, you are of a great integrity of morals” [68:4]. Therefore, he was sent to complete and perfect the highest moral attributes, approve and seal what has been preached by the previous Messengers (May God Almighty’s Prayers be Upon them) since they have all been sent to form virtuous communities. Mercy in Morality

The standard reference for humanity :So, he is the seal of the Messages, the first in creation (“A man asked the Prophet since when was he a Prophet; he replied: While Adam’s creation was between the soul and the body”) and the aim (Qiblah) of the prayers (of God Almighty, His angles, and the believers). Since his Message is the all-embracing of all previous Messages, God Almighty made: his throwing His own throwing: “ …and it was not thou who threw (sand into their eyes, O Prophet), when thou didst throw it, but it was God Almighty who threw it” [8:17]. obeying him is His obedience: “Whoever obeys the Prophet has indeed obeyed God Almighty” [4:80]. pledging to him is pledging to Him: “Behold, those who pledge their allegiance to you have indeed pledged their allegiance to God Almighty, the hand of God Almighty on top of their hands ” [48:10]. and his order is His divine order: “the order (you give) is not yours (but is God Almighty’s) ” [3:128]. He, thus, set him as the standard reference for humanity and the summit of the goal of those seeking human perfection. The standard reference for humanity

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